Monday, June 13, 2005

Fariy of Love

Today as I was walking and daydreaming, I heard a voice singing from a little tree in the glen. I slowly walked up and there I saw the most beautiful fairy sitting on a limb of the tree and singing as she knelt there with her pet. She noticed me and said, " Hi, this is my pet Susy and I am the Fairy of Love."

"I didn't know that there were fairies in charge of love?"

"Oh, yes we are. Sometimes if someone needs a little push or help we are there to whisper in their hearts and souls. For all mankind to love one another is our goal."

"How wonderful." I exclaimed. "I wish the same as you do." "What a wonderful world this would be if all could just love each other as they love themselves." "There would be no poverty, no wars, no riots, no unkindness because of a difference in race or creed."

The fairy of love shook her head and looked so sad. "I have been working for so long and with all my helpers, and we still have a long way to go." "You see, people can't get over the jeolousy and the greed. They can't accept that all are intitled to all that they have. They will not share and it seems the more they have, the more they want." "my fairies and I have been so busy and today I needed to rest and refresh myself and come to the Fairy Princess and have a long talk with her about all that is going on in this world." "You see, this just is not just your world to do with as you see fit, there are others living here too." " The animals in the woods, the faries, the little people that live in the forest, so many other living beings depend on each other for life." "Man is arrogant to suppose that he is the only living being on this earth that deserves peace and the right to life."

Saddly, I nodded my head, because I had to agree with all that this beautiful and wise fairy had to say. She was right about mankind. There are those that have it all and there are those that have nothing. The ones that have everything are greedy and want more and will not help those that need them so that they can live in peace and harmony and be free of worry and strife. How wise this fairy is to know all of this.

"How can I help," I asked.

She smiled at me, and this is what she said. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." "That is all I ask of every human. If you all do this, I would be out of a job. I happily would give my job up. I wouldn't have to see all that misery and unhappiness in this world.  If everyone followed those simple words, there would be no wars, no poverty, no ignorance, no unhappiness. All would live in peace and help each other."

She said that she had to leave for she had alot of work to do, and that it was a pleasure meeting me. I told her no, it was my pleasure and that I would do all I could to make her job easier. She smiled and waved as she flew away on her pet Susy, the dragonfly.

I slowly walked back through the forest home. Thinking about her wise words. If someone this small could be so wise and caring and loving, how come we can't? We are supposed to be smart and educated and know right from wrong. How humbling that a tiny fairy knew how to make this world better with her few simple words. Simple and yet hard to implement. That is why this fairy has such a hard and saddening job, I thought. I decided then and there that I would do all I could to help this fairy do her job and just maybe get a few friends too do it too, and maybe, just maybe it could spread and spread. A sort of pass it on thing from one person to another.



Anonymous said...

This one was really great..if only and only if..but and..

Anonymous said...

Janice Hello
Its Jimbo I like the feeling I got seeing peter pan and tinker bell was the fariy
for in the move hook with robin williams and Julie Roberts she was the cutest fariy
I have ever seen you can tell  I am a movie fan.
But have really enjoy reading the post of poem an now these creative journals of
your its such an escape for the daily worries of stress in the busy life of big daddy and the teenagers. Bless you and my God be kind to you today and always
Your Friend JIMBO the struggling writter and starving artist.
Have a nice day. JIMBO2725