I had just come home from a very sad day spent with a family that had lost someone very dear to them and to me also. This person had been a friend of mine for many many years. We had gone through all the trials and tribulations and laughed and smiled and hugged over many happy events in our lives. I sadly sat down on my porch and sighed as I rocked back and forth in my rocking chair. Thinking back to all the times I meant to call her and say Hello but there always seemed to be something to do or somewhere to go. So now, I can not do this any more. I missed my chance.,
As I sat there daydreaming of my dear friend, a very gentle breeze touched my cheek and I heard a small little voice whispering in my ear. I turned my head slightly and there hovering just above my shoulder was a beautiful faerie. She looked so sad and she gently landed on my shoulder and put her small hands on my face and wiped away the tears that were falling from my eyes. As she touched each tear and held it in her small hand it turned into a pretty small bird with a tiny white flower in its beak and she lifted her hand and let it fly up into the sky. She did this with each tear that she took as I sat and quietly cried and watched her. I was too sad to speak and she seemed to understand this.
She gently talked to me and said that every tear that I shed for my dear friend was now on its way to heaven to show that person that I loved her very much and instead of tears, my friend would get these pretty flowers brought to her by these very special birds that only she could send. She said that my friend would smile and take each flower and make a bouquet out of them and smell their pretty fragance and be happy that someone loved her so much to send these to her. Each flower was special because there were none like them on earth. They glittered and glowed a soft yellow-pink color and smelled heavenly.
I asked her who she was and how she knew that I was so sad about my lost friend.
"I am the faerie of comfort,'She said. "I am sent out by the Faerie Princess when ever anyone truly loves someone and they are so sad that their hearts and souls are full of tears. I send those tears to their loved ones and let them know that they are remembered and loved and missed. I do this for all people and there are many of us that do this every minute every day. By sending these flowers and changing your tears to birds that can spread their wings and go up to heaven will help ease your pain as each time a tear is changed a small spark of comfort enters your heart and soul . It will not take all the pain away from losing the one you love, but it will help you to be comforted that they are with the Lord and are happy in His care. "
I just sat and saddly looked at this wonder sent to me to comfort my grief. She was so lovely and her voice was so soft and loving. She had clear wings that moved slowly back and forth as she talked to me and in a way they were comforting to watch. Her gown was of lavendar and white and she had a pink shawl on her shoulders. Lovely red hair flowing down to her waist with ringlets of curls circling her gentle oval face . She had soft green eyes and dark lashes that made them even more attractive. Her eyes seemed to glisten and shine as we talked and I began to feel a peace come over me. She stayed with me for the whole time I sat on that porch and I told her all about my dear friend that I will miss so badly. I can only think that the Faerie Princess and God work together on occassions such as these. I can only thank both of them of this angel of a faerie whos job was comforting aching hearts.
she gently landed on my shoulder and put her small hands on my face and wiped away the tears that were falling from my eyes. As she touched each tear and held it in her small hand it turned into a pretty small bird with a tiny white flower in its beak and she lifted her hand and let it fly up into the sky. She did this with each tear that she took as I sat and quietly cried and watched her. I was too sad to speak and she seemed to understand this.
She gently talked to me and said that every tear that I shed for my dear friend was now on its way to heaven to show that person that I loved her very much and instead of tears, my friend would get these pretty flowers brought to her by these very special birds
Beautiful, Janice. Just beautiful. A friend of mine just lost his brother, last night, so it hits especially close to home. Thank you for this lovely and loving faerie. Faerie
Beautyful Story Janice.Wish i was as talented as you.I wouldn't know where to begin LOL
Beautiful story. I love the tears turning to birds with flowers and going to heaven great write
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