I have come into the glen to see if any of my new found friends are there. I can hear some gentle music coming from within the glen and I feel drawn to this place. There by the side of a beautiful tree that has pink flowers growing at it's base is a small fariy playing a harp. I recognize the music as Celtic. I love that music and play it all the time. I sit down in front of this young fairy as she continues to play. I close my eyes and can feel peace coming over me with each note she plays. Then she stops and looks at me. She says so sweetly, you have come here seeking me haven't you? I shake my head, and say,"No, I just hoped to meet one of you today and talk. I am having such a bad day today."
"I know," said the fairy. My name is Faith. My job is to help people keep their faith in all they believe in as true. You are sad. You have a friend that is very ill and you haven't heard anything about your friend, have you?"
"No, I haven't," I said. "I had hoped that by now someone would have contacted me and let me know what is happening and if my friend will be ok, but no one has done this, I feel so helpless. I don't know what to do. All I can do is pray for my friend and hope that all my prayers are heard."
"Oh! but your prayers are heard," she said. That is why you have been directed here to me." " I have been waiting for you all morning." She smiled. "You see, you must have faith in your prayers and faith that all will be done to help your friend get better. Just keep praying and sending out all your good thoughts to this friend, and he will know that you are thinking of him." "I know sometimes it can be hard to have faith, but I know that you have alot of faith and that you believe in prayer, and you are right to feel this way. Prayer can make a sick person stronger and able to get well faster. Do not give up that faith that you have. Hang on Janice, I know sometimes it feels like your prayers aren't heard, but each and everyones are heard and answered."
I closed my eyes for a moment because I could feel tears forming in the corner of my eyes. I opened them and Faith was gone. I could feel the tears slip down my face as I sat their and said a prayer for my dear friend.
I got up and brushed myself off and slowly walked out of the glen and back to my home. Hoping that maybe, just maybe their would be a message saying that all was well and that my friend was on the mend. I could feel saddness envelope me as I walked, but I am going to try very hard to keep my faith that all will be well.
It sounds as though you heard those voices of all heavens breath ever.. here inside of this place of your very own.
You write so well, this would make a wonderful book! HUGS XOOX
I Love this land of all fairys ever..and this one is so beyond real..
All it took was believing in those so endless fairys of your own..more please.
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