Thursday, August 4, 2005


Have you ever looked up into the sky and seen the moon faerie sitting on the moon and just playing her harp and singing sweet songs? Maybe you can't see this faerie because you have to be in my glen where all the faeries live. I have just noticed her there today as I was sitting on my porch and looking up and the sky. She seemed to be so beautiful and there were irredesent lights surrounding her as she sat and swung her leg back and forth and sang her lovely song.  I sat mesmerized and she kept  swinging her leg and singing and playing that harp. After what had seemed a very long time, she left that moon and it seemed that she was like a streak of multicolored lights going through the sky. She landed on the porch by my railing and took me by surprise, because I didn't think that she saw me there and watching her.

How lovely she looked. She had on a long multicolored gown and it was shiny and silky. It seemed to flow in the wind as she quietly walked up to me and sat on my outstretched hand. I told her how happy I was that she decided to stop in and say hello to me.

She said that she had seen me sitting and listening to her singing and that she could here me huming the words with her nad wondered how I had learned that song as it was an old Irish one and no body sang it anymore. I had to confess that I had listened and learned it from her and I didn't even realize that I was humming the same tune as she was singing.  She just smiled and said that  she was happy that she was able to share that song with me. 

She said that she was on vacation and that she chose just to stay in the glen and sing and play her harp and not hurry off somewhere when she was very happy here. That is why she decided to streak to the moon and sit there and sing and play tonight.

How wonderful that would be to be able to just streak to the moon and sit and swing your foot and play a harp and sing.  I closed my eyes as she started to play and sing another song for me. I began taping my foot to the music. We stayed there for quite awhile and just relaxed and talked and sang songs that I knew and taught her and she taught me a few of hers.

What a wonderful ending to a tiring day at work. It was nice and cool out side and just sitting there with my faerie friend was the best thing to happen to me in a long time.


Anonymous said...

A Moon Faerie who knows Irish songs???  How WONDERFUL!  (smiling)  I love it.  Thank you Janice.  Faerie

Anonymous said...

I love faeries and this sounds so nice. I can imagine this faerie landing on her hand and looking up at her. How wonderful to be able to imagine such a nice scene.


Anonymous said...

Moon Faerie,now there's a new one.Great Story

Anonymous said...

Your love for the Irish flows through the Faeries of the Glen. THe Irish are a great group for there love of family and others goes deep. The Irish are mostly Catholic  and there faith is deep. The sense of duty and respect for love ones
Yes I am proud to know this group of people and have some in the family.
Well keep up the good work here Janice and I enjoy reading the Faeries of the Glen for it has beautiful meanings and deep roots

I say Bless the author of the Faeries of the Glen Long shall she Live.