Monday, July 11, 2005

Faerie of the Fire

I smelled smoke and quickly ran from the house and looked in all directions. The smoke was coming from the forest. Oh! No! Not the forest!

I ran as fast as I could and took my cell phone with me and dialed 911 as I ran. They hooked me up to the fire company and I started to tell them about the smoke coming from the forest. They were talking to me and I came upon the spot that was smoking. 

There was a blue faerie with her magic wand and she had put out the fire. I was so relieved. I told the fire company that it was ok and nothing was wrong. That is was a campfire that someone had not put out properly and that it was out now.  They asked if I was sure and I told them I was,but the chief said he would come with a few men to check anyway.

The faerie was upset and she said to me."There were people in this forest, and they made this fire and did not make it right in the first place and then they didn 't put it out properly." "I was very glad that I happened along at the right time." "This could have been a horrible fire and destroyed the forest and the glen also."

I told the faerie that no one had any right to come on this land and make fires. I had posted the land when I first bought it so that nothing of nature would be destroyed by anyone. This is why the Faerie Princess had chosen this glen to live in with her subjects. 

I asked this beautiful faerie what her name was and what  was her job. She told me that her name was simply Firefaerie and her job was to watch for fires set in forests and glens.  She said she was like a guard. Her magic wand could put out small  fires before they became large and then she would not be able to help. It would be to late for her small magic wand to handle.

As we spoke I could hear the firemen coming and she quickly took off into the forest and disappeared. The firemen looked over the fire very carefully and they too said that who ever made that fire didn't know what he was doing and then didn't put it out properly. The sprayed some thing from a large container on the smoldering fire and I could still hear it sizzling. I was glad that they had come and checked it.

The fire chief said that so many people do this and they really don't know the proper way to set a campfire, and then how to make sure it is out before they leave.  He said that I was lucky to come across it here in the forest and able to put it out before it comsumed the trees. 

That was a close call, and I thanked the firemen for coming and checking  and mentally I thanked the firefaerie for guarding my forest too.

I went home a little shook up, and decided that I would put more posters up stating that no camp fires were to be built on my land and especially in the forest or glen. They were much to dangerous. I would be more viligent now.




Anonymous said...

Scary faerie . . . : (   --- I think she didn't mean to.  I HOPE she didn't mean to.

Anonymous said...

no she was helping   if she wasnt there it would have burned up the forest.  Her job to watch that no harm comes to the forest and glen.  She is the good faerie.  Honest.  

Anonymous said...

Great Story.