Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I was walking along the lane in the glen and came upon a beauty of a fairy as she was painting the leaves on the different flowers and trees. I asked her why she was painting them different colors because it wasn't autumn yet and she just smiled and said that she was only painting the ones that need medicine and that the medicine happend to be in different colors according to what they needed to be healthy again. I thought about this for a few minutes, and it did make sense. How else would she know which medicine was which. She looked so lovely in her cute outfit and her small paint brush had all the colors that she needed to use. I asked what each was and she explained that yellow was for droopy leaves, and red for lack of sun, and green for patching up parts that the bugs got at,blue for the lack of water in the veins of the leaves. She happily went about her business and I kept walking through the glen and thought that these fairies had all under control. Why, we as humans couldn't take care of ourselves as good as they did. Something to ponder about as I sat down on my porch to enjoy the sunset.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The Knowing Fairy

When I was walking by the forest entrance I spotted a beautiful purple winged fairy. She was wonderful to look at and had such a beautiful aura about her. I approached her and asked her if she was here for any reason. She told me no, that she was on her way to see the Fairy Princess because she was summoned by her today. I told her that I was summoned also and maybe we could go together. I put my hand out and she fly up into my palm and sat down. Her wings looked like shifting light, emotion, and energy. She told me that they were made this way so that she could transcend the mundane world.  She said that she was the possesser of of all hidden secrets and able to reveal all secrets and aid us in finding lost items and articles.  She smiled, as I just looked at her.  Was this possible, I thought. Nodding she said yes that it was indeed possible.


We both continued on our way to the Fairy princess by way of the glen walk way.  It is so lovely there as the flowers sway in the summer breeze and the birds sang our welcome. Lovely to look at and lovely to hear. How special these fairies made this glen to me.

Upon entering the Princess sheltered haven we were greeted by the Nuptial Fairy. How beautiful she was all dressed in a white flowing gown and she had a ring of flowers in her hair. A very small book was in her hand and she had a very different wand tucked in her waist band.

the Princess Fairy came to greet us and told us that we were summoned to witness the marriage of her two trusted guardian fairies. They had fallen in love and were to be married this day by the Nuptial fairy. I could not believe my ears or eyes. I felt so priviledged by being able to witness this event. The Princess asked the Knowing Fairy if there was any reason that these two should not be given her blessing to wed and the Knowing Fairy just shook her head and said that all was well and they would be happy together.  The Princess then told the Nuptial Fairy to begin the ceremony.

The Nuptial Fairy took out her wand from her waist and it began to glow a beautiful rainbow of colors. I have never seen such beauty. She opened her small book and read in a language that I didn't understand and was told that it was an ancient language called Gaelic. No matter, the way she spoke and the beautiful sounding words kept me in rapture. The bride and groom so to speak were dressed in white also and the small bride had on a long silky dress and carried a small flower in her hand. The groom also was in white and had two tiny rings in his hand. The Nuptial Fairy took the small rings and placed them on their fingers and put one hand on top of the other.Then she took her magic wand and touched the hands and the rings began to glow and they turned all the colors of the rainbow and the Nuptial fairy said that they were wed forever. All the other fairies flew down to congratulate them and they were dancing and singing and having such a grand time.  I stayed for about another hour and sadly had to leave. Work tomorrow you know. I left and listened to them having a grand time as I walked back home.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


"Hi," I said as I stooped down to say hello to the cutest smallest fairy I have seen so far. "My name is Janice, what is yours, and what are you doing with those leaves."

"Well, a good morning to ya," "I am known as the Shamrock Fairy and I go about making sure that all the shamrocks are properly made, you know. Sometimes they forget to make that last part of the leaf and they look sort of out of place then." "I come with my wand and touch the leaf and make it right, we canna have these looking the wrong way you see." They must all be identical as they are our favorite you know."

I smiled, what a lovely small fairy and she was so cute too. Dressed in green and with that small green band around her long hair to hold it back from her face. Such a lovely sight to see so early in the morning. I asked her if she just did this in my glen, and she said no , that she did alot of traveling and that there were many of her type of fairy doing the same jobs as there were alot of shamrocks to take care of. I just nodded my head and we continued talking for a long time as she flew from leaf to leaf and did her magic. It is so fascinating to watch how each fairy performs their duties with happiness and never a harsh or nasty word to say  about anything. I wish humans could learn from  these fairies. Well. it is off to work for me and the Shamrock Fairy has asked me to return tonight after work that the Fairy Princess would like to speak to me,I asked how she knew this and she smiled and said that the Fairy Princess had told her this morning that when I came in to the glen to relay the message for her to me. If you would please come and talk to her after your day is done. She had something important she wanted to talk to you about.

Now I was really curious and worried. I asked the little fairy if they were planning on leaving my glen, and she just shook her head and said no that it had nothing to do with the glen.  I told her to tell the Fairy Princess that I would be back around 6pm and I would come into the glen then to see her if that was a good time for her. The small fairy assured me that it was indeed a good time.

So I left with a wave of my hand and a smile on my face, thinking that everyone should be able to start their days as I was able to. How wonderful to be able to wake up and go into the glen before work and stroll through it and talk to fairies and enjoy my morning coffee. and leave for work with a smile on my face. What a great morning!!!!!


Tuesday, June 21, 2005


It has been raining and I could not resist the sweet smell of the grasses and bushes after a rain. I have decided to walk through the woods and just enjoy the smells and sights.  As I was walking I spotted a beautiful fairy with multicolored wings and she had a basket of flowers and a wand in her hand made of all different colors. As I approached she sensed my coming and turned to look at me and smiled. I introduced myself and asked her what her name was and what she was doing. I know that each fairy has a job to do here and I was sure she was out here doing hers.

"I am the Rainbow Fairy", She said. After a good rain, I come out and gather the flowers that have been hurt by the hard rainfall and turn them into all the colors you see on this wand. Then I wave this magic wand and it makes rainbows for all to enjoy so that these poor flowers didn't die for nothing. They contribute to the many colors you see everything you look up and are able to enjoy a rainbow. Don't you think that is a nice way to use their beautiful colors?" She said.

I agreed and watched as she went about her work picking the drooping flowers and turning them into colors that went into the wand and as she waved it rainbows appeared all over and some where small and others were very big. What a glorious sight to behold. There were rainbows everywhere and sometimes two together to make it extra wonderful.  I stood there for a long time watching this beauty work her magic and thought how lucky could one person be to have all this beauty in her own backyard. 


Sunday, June 19, 2005


Today while sitting and reading on a lounge in the sunlight I was distracted by something flying through the air towards the glen. I was very curious and so I got up and walked in the glen to see what it was that had flown in there. I was so surprised to see a unicorn and a beautiful fairy that had a wand in her hand and sparkly bits of silver were coming from it every time she would move it.  She seemed to know I was coming because she wasn't afraid and I have seen so many unusual things that I was not frightened either. I introduced myself and she just nodded as she got off of the unicorn and walked toward me

"Hello,"I said. "My name is Janice and I own this land, who are you?"

Smiling she said,"Hello,  My name is Marie and I am the fairy that sprinkles fairy dust on people that just need a little bit of courage to do what they want to let others know how they feel. and to help people that need help.

I asked what did she mean. I understood the love part, but people in need? What did fairy dust do for them.

"Well,"she said, "Sometimes they are timid and others then to take advantage of them, and my dust gives them courage to stand up for themselves." "Or they have something very important to do and yet lack the courage to do it , then I sprinkle my dust on them and they will try  and succeed with their task." "Many times a little fairy dust can make the difference between a very sad day and a happy one." "I will try to help all I can by just being there for them and I actually appear before them sometimes, if they believe in miracles." "I have this special gift to help all that need just that little bit of extra help, love, and a tiny shove." She giggled.

This was a beautiful fairy, her gown was long and purple and make of the finest silk. Her fairy wings were a delicate lavender and her wand was glowing and as she moved it tiny sparkles drifted out of it and landed on me. I felt light headed at first and slowly I started to feel very happy and good about myself. I felt like my skin tingle a bit here and there and it made me laugh.

The fairy just smiled at me and got back on her wonderful unicorn and took off into the sunlight. I stood there for a long time just looking at the beautiful day and thinking how lucky I was that these fairies felt safe and happy here and that I could enjoy being here with them each day.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Bubble Fairy

Today in the glen I came upon a fairy that was making bubbles. As she made them, she was singing a sweet song about the flowers in the glen and how she has been painting them since time had began.  What a lovely sight. As each colored bubble rose to the sky it settled on a flower and its color was transfered to the flower making them look so beautiful. Some looked like rainbows with many colors because two or more bubbles landed on them. I couldn't help smiling. How fortunate I was that these wonderous small fairies came to live here. What joy they bring to me every day. Each one has a different job to do and does it with joy in their hearts. The beauty they create is unmeasurable and no artist could ever do what they are capable of doing. They speak with years of wisdom and try to improve this world that we live in by making it beautiful and spreading their love , hope, charity ,compassion and happiness around for all to share. I love to watch them at work and at play. As I look around I can see the fields of flowers that this happy fairy has painted with her bubbles of color. They are floating up into the air and landing here and there. How beautiful the different flowers look all mixed up no two the same. I wish I could show you all that she has done here today. I am in awe of her abilities to brighten this world. She has no other motive for doing this other than to make this field and others more beautiful with her colored bubbles. How I wish I could do this, I told her. She smiled at me and handed me the wand and nodded her head. I just looked at her. Is this possible, I thought. She just smiled as if she read my mind. I put the small wand into the bucket and took it out and waved it into the wind. To my surprise the bubbles flew away and landed on some flowers that were so drab and immediately they became red, blue and yellow. I laughed out loud, i was so happy. She let me do this for a long time , all the time she kept singing her pretty flower song. What a way to spend a day in the glen. I handed her back her little wand and she said that any time I would like I could come back and help her make the flowers pretty. I turned to look at the glen fields again. They glowed with multicolored flowers as far as you could see. When I turned to thank her, she was gone. I guess her work was done.   I smiled and went back through the forest to my home with visions of bubbles dancing in my head.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Fariy of Love

Today as I was walking and daydreaming, I heard a voice singing from a little tree in the glen. I slowly walked up and there I saw the most beautiful fairy sitting on a limb of the tree and singing as she knelt there with her pet. She noticed me and said, " Hi, this is my pet Susy and I am the Fairy of Love."

"I didn't know that there were fairies in charge of love?"

"Oh, yes we are. Sometimes if someone needs a little push or help we are there to whisper in their hearts and souls. For all mankind to love one another is our goal."

"How wonderful." I exclaimed. "I wish the same as you do." "What a wonderful world this would be if all could just love each other as they love themselves." "There would be no poverty, no wars, no riots, no unkindness because of a difference in race or creed."

The fairy of love shook her head and looked so sad. "I have been working for so long and with all my helpers, and we still have a long way to go." "You see, people can't get over the jeolousy and the greed. They can't accept that all are intitled to all that they have. They will not share and it seems the more they have, the more they want." "my fairies and I have been so busy and today I needed to rest and refresh myself and come to the Fairy Princess and have a long talk with her about all that is going on in this world." "You see, this just is not just your world to do with as you see fit, there are others living here too." " The animals in the woods, the faries, the little people that live in the forest, so many other living beings depend on each other for life." "Man is arrogant to suppose that he is the only living being on this earth that deserves peace and the right to life."

Saddly, I nodded my head, because I had to agree with all that this beautiful and wise fairy had to say. She was right about mankind. There are those that have it all and there are those that have nothing. The ones that have everything are greedy and want more and will not help those that need them so that they can live in peace and harmony and be free of worry and strife. How wise this fairy is to know all of this.

"How can I help," I asked.

She smiled at me, and this is what she said. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." "That is all I ask of every human. If you all do this, I would be out of a job. I happily would give my job up. I wouldn't have to see all that misery and unhappiness in this world.  If everyone followed those simple words, there would be no wars, no poverty, no ignorance, no unhappiness. All would live in peace and help each other."

She said that she had to leave for she had alot of work to do, and that it was a pleasure meeting me. I told her no, it was my pleasure and that I would do all I could to make her job easier. She smiled and waved as she flew away on her pet Susy, the dragonfly.

I slowly walked back through the forest home. Thinking about her wise words. If someone this small could be so wise and caring and loving, how come we can't? We are supposed to be smart and educated and know right from wrong. How humbling that a tiny fairy knew how to make this world better with her few simple words. Simple and yet hard to implement. That is why this fairy has such a hard and saddening job, I thought. I decided then and there that I would do all I could to help this fairy do her job and just maybe get a few friends too do it too, and maybe, just maybe it could spread and spread. A sort of pass it on thing from one person to another.


Saturday, June 11, 2005

Fairy of Faith

I have come into the glen to see if any of my new found friends are there. I can hear some gentle music coming from within the glen and I feel drawn to this place. There by the side of a beautiful tree that has pink flowers growing at it's base is a small fariy playing a harp. I recognize the music as Celtic. I love that music and play it all the time. I sit down in front of this young fairy as she continues to play. I close my eyes and can feel peace coming over me with each note she plays. Then she stops and looks at me. She says so sweetly, you have come here seeking me haven't you? I shake my head, and say,"No, I just hoped to meet one of you today and talk. I am having such a bad day today."

"I know," said the fairy. My name is Faith. My job is to help people keep their faith in all they believe in as true. You are sad. You have a friend that is very ill and you haven't heard anything about your friend, have you?"

"No, I haven't," I said. "I had hoped that by now someone would have contacted me and let me know what is happening and if my friend will be ok, but no one has done this, I feel so helpless. I don't know what to do. All I can do is pray for my friend and hope that all my prayers are heard."

"Oh! but your prayers are heard," she said. That is why you have been directed here to me." " I have been waiting for you all morning." She smiled. "You see, you must have faith in your prayers and faith that all will be done to help your friend get better. Just keep praying and sending out all your good thoughts to this friend, and he will know that you are thinking of him." "I know sometimes it can be hard to have faith, but I know that you have alot of faith and that you believe in prayer, and you are right to feel this way. Prayer can make a sick person stronger and able to get well faster. Do not give up that faith that you have. Hang on Janice, I know sometimes it feels like your prayers aren't heard, but each and everyones are heard and answered."

I closed my eyes for a moment because I could feel tears forming in the corner of my eyes. I opened them and Faith was gone. I could feel the tears slip down my face as I sat their and said a prayer for my dear friend. 

I got up and brushed myself off and slowly walked out of the glen and back to  my home. Hoping that maybe, just maybe their would be a message saying that all was well and that my friend was on the mend. I could feel saddness envelope me as I walked, but I am going to try very hard to keep my faith that all will be well.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Faries of the Flowers

What a beautiful day. The sun is shinning and it is so nice and warm out. I thought I would take a book and go down by the water that is on the end of the glen and lie on a blanket and read for awhile. When I had settled down and was deep into my book I noticed out of the corner of my eye that there were two faries carrying large tulips in their hands and they seeme to be sloshing water as they went into the glen.  My curiousity got the best of me and I got up and followed them into the glen. There I saw that they had gone to a bunch of lovely flowers and that they were pouring the water on the roots of the flower. The poor flower was drooping down and when it got the water it was like magic. It started to stand taller and didn't droop anymore. The two faries smiled at each other and turned to go back and get more water when they spotted me standing there. They looked startled and I hestitally explained that I was a friend and the owner of the glen that they lived in and no harm would come to them. I asked them their names and the one dressed in blue said that she was Bluebell, how appropriate a name. the one in pink said that she was Lily. They explained to me that this was their job to keep the flowers looking their best. Because of the lack of rain and the heat some of the flowers in the glen needed special attention today. How lovely they both looked as they smiled at me. I asked if I could help them in anyway, and they said yes if I really wanted to I could. They each had a tulip to carry water in , but what could I use? Then I remembered that I had brought a bottle of water with me in case I got thirsty while I was reading my book. So I went and got that bottle and used it to water a few of the flowers that Bluebell and Lily said needed the moisture the most. The three of us spent about an hour going back and forth watering the flowers that were so thirsty and like magic each one we watered started to stand taller and drooped no more. I never knew that faries had charge of taking care of the flowers in the glen. Bluebell and Lily told me that each day the Farie Princess gave different jobs to all of the faries under her care. This way each got to do something different and each got a chance to do the really nice jobs and no one person had to do all the hard ones all of the time. Of course, the men faries had the harder jobs, because they were much stronger and able to handle them better. This surprised me because I don't think anyone really knew that faires did work everyday. We talked for the whole time we worked and they thanked me for my help before they left to return back to there homes in the glen.  I was hoping that they would tell me more about how they lived and what they do and I had a million questions to ask them, but I know that they will be here a long time, so my questions can wait. I am sure in time they will all be answered. I wonder if anyone else has any questions they would like answered about the faries in the glen.

Thursday, June 9, 2005


Today I went for a stroll in the glen. It was so hot, I was wiping my face with a wet hankie every few minutes. I thought that if I went into the forest at the end of the glen there would be shade and it might even be cooler. As I walked , I heard some giggling and laughing coming from the corner of the forest. I was curious, and so I went there. I smiled as I came upon three small delicate faries sitting on the edge of a bird feeder splashing their tiny feet in the water and splashing each other with the water and having a great time. They spotted me and just smiled and continued their fun. I looked closer and they all must have had some signal because all of a sudden they splashed me . I laughed out loud. How nice and cool it felt. I reached in and cupped my hand and poured the water over one of the faries gently like a spring shower I let the water trickle between my fingers so that it wouldn't hurt her. The others said, "me too, me too" So I did each fariey in turn and they all loved the light shower and I enjoyed being there with them. It was cooler in this shaded area and we talked and played for a long time. They said that they were sisters and each had an important job. I asked them what their jobs were. Well, one was hope, and one was charity, and one was compassion. I told them that I thought these were very hard jobs to do every day. They agreed. But they all said that they felt it an honor that they were picked to watch over these important jobs.  Hope said that she traveled far and wide to make sure that no one gave up on themselves and that she was their inner voice telling them to go on and help them to keep their faith in themselves.  Charity told me that their were so many people that had to learn this trate that she was busy most of the time. People forget that their fortune is not held by all and that sometimes we must show charity toward others and help them get back on their own feet. Compassion was a little sad and that is why they had brought her here today to play and make her smile and be happy. She said that their were so many people out in this world that had no compassion for others and pretended that all was well and so many didn't want to be bothered with helping their fellow man. No mercy for the one being oppressed and held down by circumstances beyond their control. She said that it was the hardest job of all. When you asked people to give of themselves many can't or won't. Inever realized that these three slight young faries had such important things to do in their lives. They told me that they weren't the only ones that had these jobs. There were many many of them encircling the world trying to fulfill their destinys and helping mankind. I was dumfounded. I thought all faries did all day was play and sing and laugh in the glen.  They all looked at me and shook their heads and said, "No , there is much more that we do than that. Our Fairey Princess is very careful and keeps track of all that is done and how progress is made. She holds audiences every day , and if we have a bad problem, we can go to her and she will do all she can to help make things right again.  What a wonderful revelation. It was getting cooler, so I said goodbye and started back for home before it got too dark to see through the forest.   How wonderful that these faries live in my glen.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005


It is early in the morning and I have decided to walk down to the glen by way of the shore that is just a short distance from where the glen ends and the forest begins. I was daydreaming as I gazed out at the beautiful sunrise and the waves gently lapping unto the shore and receding back. I didn't notice her right away. When I did I just stopped and looked at her in awe. How beautiful she was sitting on a rock in the shallow water and softly singing a tune I had never heard before. She was so quiet that it was hard to make out the words, but she had a grace and beauty that were unparralled. Her wings were a glossomer blue and reflected off the water in all different shades that glimmered and glowed as they slowly moved back and forth as she sat and strummed some sort of insturment that looked like a very tiny harp. How relaxing the sound of this harp and her angelic voice made me feel. She saw me and I was afarid that she would be frightened, but she wasn't afraid at all. She smiled at me and stopped playing .  I told her my name was Janice and that I owned the glen and she just nodded and then she spoke. She said,"My name is Lifestar, I am the keeper of all the records of births and joinings of the fairies." I must have looked surprised because she giggled and said that faires were born and fell in love just as humans do. How did I think that faries came to be and why wouldn't they share in this wonderous feeling of love that all have to share? She smiled at me. I hadn't really thought about that. But she was right. Just because they were fairies didn't mean that they didn't have alot of the feelings that others would have. How silly of me, I thought, to think that humans are the only ones that had feelings. She said that the only difference between human feelings and  a fairies were that they had no anger, hate, jeolousy, only love to share with each other and caring. That faries were there long before man and will be there long after man has gone from this world. She talked to me with all the wisdom of a very ancient soul. As if she had lived for a very long time and had seen so much that I couldn't comprehend. These faries in my glen were no ordinary  faries, they seemed so magical and so wise. I had to leave and as I did so I turned and Lifestar was gone. But as I walked back to my home to start my day I could here the faint sound of a harp playing somewhere in the glen. I smiled. What a wonderful and pleasant way to start my day. I will be sure to walk along the shore as often as I can before I have to begin my day.

Tuesday, June 7, 2005



My friends Jo and Yasmine have arrived and I have explained the little I know about meeting the Fairy Princess tonight. I have told them to just let the Fairies decide all that is to take place and to be very careful as it is so late and dark. Not to hurt anyone there as they are small and delicate.  We went to the glen as the sun was setting. The glen was a little dark as we entered single file with me in the lead. I stopped as I entered the glen with a look of astonished surprise on my face. I turned and Jo and Yasmine had stopped to and were starring ahead as I was into the center of the glen. All around and in every tree, bush and on every leaf were beautiful fairies holding a wand that emitted a bright white light. It was like looking at millions of stars in the night sky. How wondrous a sight as I smiled at Jo and Yasmine. They were in awe to of this magnificent view. The quiet chatter of the fairies could be heard as they winged back and forth leading the way for us to the center of the glen where a silken tall chair covered with precious stones set on top of a tree stump that had been decorated with many different kinds of wild flowers found throughout this forest and glen. How lovely it all looked to us. Lu came forward and I introduced my friends Jo and Yasmine to her. She smiled and said to follow her. On the ground before this tree stump had been laid a comfortable layer of leaves and flowers. Lu told us to sit down and that the Fairy Princess would be coming soon. As we sat and quietly looked around many of the fairy people winged forward and it seemed like a dance with their wands of light streaking up and down and all around. They were able to make them into different colors and we all sat as if transfixed as rainbows of color passed before our eyes. All different shades of blues, greens, yellow, reds, purple, pink, lavender, more colors than we could count. A symphony of lights and the sounds of tiny wings fluttering in the night. Then suddenly as it had started the light show ended and a hush came over the glen. Only a soft muttering of voices could be heard saying she is here, she is here. Lu came to be by my side as the most beautiful fairy I have ever seen appeared. She was a little taller than the rest, with long flowing hair of red. Her wings were glowing a flaming red and their bright light was so beautiful we were transfixed by this glorious sight.A flowing silky gown of red that sparkled in the night. She slowly flew to the chair and stood for a few moments and looked at us as we sat in stunned silence. Then she smiled as I had unconscionably put out my hand and she nodded her head and gently landed in my palm. Not a sound could be heard in the glen except for the quiet flutter of many small wings as other fairies approached their Princess as she stood in my hand smiling at me. Finally she spoke in a sweet melodious voice. “I am the Princess of the fairies, and I have come especially to meet you tonight to thank you for letting my clan, my family live in this beautiful glen.” “You must promise not to tell anyone we are here as they will come and we will have to flee and find another safe place to live.” “Can you do this for us?’ she asked. I nodded my head and said yes. That none here would ever tell of what they have seen this night. She looked at Jo and Yasmine and asked them the same question. They both agreed that no one would ever know of this magical place from any of us. Then the Princess held out her small hand and another fairy placed a gold wand in it and it started to glow brighter and brighter, until it was blinding to our eyes. She came forward and touched the ring finger of each of our hands and magically a thin gold band appeared. It had two hands clasped together with a heart in between. I immediately recognized it and so did Jo and Yasmine as a claddagh. It glowed and felt warm as it adjusted to each of our fingers. What a beautiful gift .We all smiled at each other and thanked the Princess. Then she held her small hand up and instantly a small prayer box appeared... It was made of sterling silver and embossed with a claddagh on it. The princess put it into my hand. It was so very small. Then she raised her hands for silence from all that were there as she started to speak to me. She said,” When you have need of help from above, write your prayer and place in this prayer box and it will be answered

. It may not be the answer that you are praying for, but it will in the end be the right answer that you need.” All I could do was nod my head, for I was so overwhelmed by these gifts. She also said,” If you should have need of us here for any reason, come in to the glen and rub that ring and we will know that you are here and Lu will come to you. Come and visit us often as we would like to get to know all about you and want you to learn about us too. “And with these final words the Fairy Princess lifted off my palm and with her other fairies flew into the forest in the glen. Jo, Yasmine and I just sat there for quite awhile not saying a word. Just enjoying the moment and looking at our rings and at my tiny prayer box. There were still fairies with wands of light waiting to show us out of the glen safely so we got up and followed them through the forest where they left us to continue with the moonlight to my home. What a magical night we all had.


Princess of the Faries

This afternoon I walked into the glenn and was greeted by Lu. I asked if I could bring two of my friends with me tonight into the glenn to meet the Fariey Princess. Lu smiled and said that would be fine. As long as they believed and were pure of heart and would not tell anyone about this glenn. I assured her that they were the best of people and that no one would ever know about this glenn from me or them. Again she smiled and said, then bring your friends and let them celebrate with you and all of our clan here in fariey land. Lu said that it will be a very special celebration because the Fariey Princess very seldom honors anyone. You have to be very special to have an audience with her because she has so many duties to perform for her fariey clan. I asked if I should bring some lights with me as it would be a bit dark and maybe we wouldnt be able to see. Lu just giggled and said no. Just come at twilight and leave the rest to me.  I smiled   and said that I had to go but would be back with my friends tonight at twilight.

Monday, June 6, 2005

nervous walk in glenn

I have decided to take a stroll into the glenn tonight hoping to ease some of my nervousness at meeting the Fairy Princess tomorrow night. I hope that she likes me. I have heard that she is very wise and has magical powers. My new friend Lu said that she is very wise and kind and very independent. It is so beautiful here tonight as the moon shines down on the misty grass and all the flowers look like they have been bathed for the night sleep. Tiny drips of dew fall off them and it looks so peaceful and soothing in here tonight. I love this glenn. Aye, there is no other place on earth that is so at peace as this place. No one knows it is here but me, and now my new found friends. I don't see any of them around tonight, but it is quite late too. I best be getting back and just have to wait until tomorrow to come back at twilight. Good night I whisper to all my friends as I leave with a smile on my face.   Sweet dreams.

Morning Walk

This morning I went to the glenn to see my new found friends and learn more about them and let them learn about me. As I sat on that same rock the most beautiful fairy I have ever seen came and fluttered her wings in front of my face, but safely away. I smiled. I would never hurt anyone much less a defenseless small person like this fairy. She smiled back and slowly flew onto my open hand. She was so light It felt like a feather had landed and She tilted her pretty head and said hello. She said her name was Lu and put her pretty hand out for me to take. I told her my name was Janice and gently took her little hand in mine. How tiny it was. Like holding a tiny seed. How careful I must be with these new friends of mine, I thought. She noticed that I was looking at her rainbow colored wings and the way the sunlight made them change colors right before your eyes. She asked if I would like to touch them, but to be careful because they are the only ones she will ever have. I slowly reached one finger to her wing and gently felt this beautiful silky,tiny wing. How thin and delicate they are. I was so afarid to damage them, but she only smiled and said that although they looked delicate and fragile, they were quite strong because they had to beable to hold up to the weather and not break or rip. So gently she spoke  it was hard to hear her soft voice and with her Irish brouge it sounded so soothing and nice. I had to tell her to slow down talking because I was not used to hearing her speak.  She smiled and walked up my arm, while I used my other hand to make sure she didn't fall down. Although I shouldn't have worried , after all she does have wings.   Then she told me that the Farie Princess wanted to meet me tomorrow in this glen and to come back at twilight tomorrow for this meeting. She said that the Farie Princess was their leader and very wise and had ancient wisdom from all faries before her and that she felt it was time to meet this mortal that was kind enough to let her people stay here to live in this protected glenn. Oh! I can't wait until tomorrow. Can you??????????

Sunday, June 5, 2005