Friday, October 14, 2005

Faeries of the NIght

As I was sitting with my faerie friends in the glen enjoying our conversation I hadn't noticed that it had gotten very dark. With all the light from the faeries wands  it crept up on me so swiftly that when I realized  it was quite late.

One of the faeries I was talking to pointed up to the sky and when I looked up I was in complete awe as I saw two beautiful faeries floating down to the ground on what looked like quarter moons. They weren't moons but silver in color and these faeries had small harps in their hands and they were singing softly. How beautiful they were and all was quiet as they floated down and just hovered there and sang and played. After what seem like a short time but when i looked at my watch it had been an hour they floated back away  up into the sky. The other faeries just smiled and said goodnight  as they drifted off to their resting places.  I was tired to so I went back home and  had the most wonderful dream about faeries floating in the air on silver quarter moons.