Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Unicorn/Protector

While I was sitting in the glen talking to a few of my faerie friends, in the distance we could hear a distint sound. As we listened it got louder and we knew that it was a galloping horse. I was certain that no one living in the neighborhood owned any horses and I was afraid that this one must be lost.

When this horse came into the glen he stopped and we all noticed that it wasn't a horse but a unicorn. My faerie friends didn't act surprised and they all went over to greet their friend. I just sat there in amazement and looked at him. He was magnificent. His mane was a bright green and his tail was also green and very curly. The horn on his head looked to be of pure gold. 

My faerie friends came over to me and nodded and told me to come and meet their friend. I stood up and walked over very slowly as not to scare him away, but he didn't seem to fear me at all. I am sure my friends had told him about me and that they lived in my glen and I would not hurt him in any way.  I noticed a beautiful chain around his neck and hanging from that chain was the most wonderful Claddagh ring I have ever seen. It was pure gold and had a beautiful diamond inbetween the hands on the ring. It is the worlds most enduring symbol of love and romance. The Claddagh is the customary design adorning a Wedding Ring.  Named after Ireland's oldest fishing village, the emblem was first painted on the sails of the town's fishing flet before being fashioned into a ring around the 16oo's.

According to ancient folklore, the Claddagh symbolizes the everlasting love between a king and a simple peasant woman kept apart because of their social classes. The hands of the Claddagh represent friendship, the heart, a universal symbol of love, and the crown, a symbol of loyalty. The traditional sentiment associated with this Irish emblem is "Let love and friendship reign". It is a timeless symbol of hope and unity, this unique treasure is admired by those seeking the mystical blessings of the Emerald Isle.  How beautiful it was .

I asked the faeries why the unicorn was wearing the gold chain with the Claddagh. They told me that he was the unicorn in charge of protecting the Claddagh and making sure that it never was lost . That all through time it would be forever a symbol of love and friendship. He has the original Claddagh and has had it for many centuries.

I walked up closer and the unicorn approached me and stood tall and proud. I asked if I could touch this wonderful ring and the faeries spoke to him in a language that I couldn't understand and then motioned to me that it would be alright for me to approach closer and touch the ring.

I lifted it up and looked at it very closely and was so amazed by its purity and glowing quality. How beautiful and special it was. I looked at it for quite awhile and then very carefully laid it back down on the unicorns neck.  He bowed to me and slowly started back into the forest with some of his faerie friends.

Oh! what a wonderful day it has been for me. How many times in your life do you meet a unicorn and such a beautiful one like I saw that was in charge of guarding a percious peace of history of love and friendship. 

I went back home feeling so happy and smiling as I walked through the forest with some of my faerie friends . It had started to get late and time for me to leave.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely story, JaniceFaerie!  That beautiful and proud unicorn protecting the Claddagh . . . smiling.  Just lovely!  Thanks for sharing this.  Faerie